Wednesday, January 20, 2010

No Till School

After some long days on the bus today we have a short one hour drive to a farm operated by Carlos Crovetto and his brother. Carlos has been a very strong advocate of no till farming. He has spoken all over the world and was in Edmonton just a couple of years ago. He even has a classroom set up right on his farm complete with thank you plaques from no-till associations all over the world.

Upon arrival Carlos insisted on meeting each one of us individually and introducing himself to us.

We spent the entire day on the farm in the classroom and in the field. We even took our brand new bus out to the field much to the drivers dismay.

One of stops was at his brothers farm who has a collection of Mercedes Benz cars. He probably has 20 or 30 of all vintages and styles, all stored in a beautiful building.

We went to one of his other farms where they were combining. We even got a chance to get grain dust down our necks while watching the combines work.

After the tour we went to Concepcion for the night, before the long drive the next day back to Santiago.

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