Saturday, December 12, 2009

Getting ready for Christmas

Yesterday afternoon we went for our Christmas tree. We went over to Elna's mothers place for our tree. She lives about 6 miles from home and has lots of spruce trees in her pasture. This is one of the pastures that we keep our cows at in the summer. There was lots of snow in the pasture this year, so Randy took the tractor over to plow snow ahead of the truck. Keri, Elna. Megan, Makayla and I went over in the truck.

After we got our trees home we loaded up the grand kids and went to our local Church for their annual Christmas craft evening with supper and then making ginger bread houses, lots of other crafts, and even a scavenger hunt to end the evening.


  1. Gee, can I go there to get my tree? They look a lot nicer than the ones from the Junior Forest Wardens?

  2. Sure can, maybe next year if you let us know we can make an outing of it. The problem we had this year was our tree came from the top of a dry hill and it started dropping needles right away even though we watered it right away. Our daughter got her tree at the bottom of the same hill and her tree is just fine.
