Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Elna's Birthday

Today is Elna's birthday. Her day starts as normal just before 6:30 getting the pea picking staff started for the day, finding the right spot in the field for everyone, gathering up containers from the market etc. and it's only 8:00 AM yet.
Her busy day continues till 4:00 when her granddaughter gets home on the school bus and she has to have a family birthday party for her Grandma. At Elna's birthday party her mother came over with a present and to share a piece of cake. We opened her presents from everyone and she blew out her birthday candles (only 5 of them) A present from our daughter Angie even arrived today in the mail just in time along with my e-bay present for her that came just in time. Right after we were done opening birthday presents and eating cake she had a phone call from a Cheryl, a very close friend of hers from Chilliwak B.C. just to wish her happy birthday and try and find a time they can get together a visit. The day will then continue by her delivering peas to Innisfail growers, then attending a weekly Innisfail Growers meeting and then hope full home by 10:00. Just another day on the farm.

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